Blog Talk Radio
Welcome To Our
Monday Night
Join us as we read through the Bible verse by verse
An Inter-Active Bible Class you can now enjoy in the comfort of your own home or as you drive along in your car, out shopping, on the job, or wherever you may be. We believe this is an excellent opportunity for those who have never read the Bible from beginning to end. A chance to finally mark that off your things-to-do for Jesus Christ bucket list.
There will be review questions asked following the reading portion of this class. You can find these questions on this website under (Bible Class Questions). If you would like to take part in answering some of the Bible Reading Class review questions asked by the teacher during the review portion of this class, this is how you do that. If you have called in on your phone, press one (1), and that will put you in the host cue, and I can then open up your mic, enabling you to give your answer or make your comment. Please remember to keep any background noise to a minimum. All responses to the questions and comments must come from the scriptures we are currently reading.
Thanx & Enjoy, Pastor O.
Listen live over your phone @ (646) 915-8148
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